Zero tolerance
towards people who create potentialy dangerous situations
Safety attitude
creation of company´s culture and attitude regarding the safety
educating employees and public
Safety policy – principles
Basic principles of Occupational Health and Safety Compliance (OHS)
Following the implemented and certified OHS managment system in COLAS Slovakia, s.a. we have set out the following principles of compliance:
The basic principle of the company is to protect occupational health and create conditions for safe work,
this principle must never be supressed or limited to the detriment of other objectives
Compliance with all requirements of generally binding legal regulations, standards and OHS requirements of COLAS group,
as well as to cooperate with authorities, educate and raise the awarness of all employees in OHS
Measurement of efficiency in OHS
and constantly improve work conditions of employees and to reduce the potential health threats at work
Risk assessment,
regularly update risk assessment and implement measures to protect health and safety at work
Accident prevention
by identifying and analyzing dangerous events, correcting identified shortcomings, applying preventive measures and enforcing subcontractors to comply
Safety attitude
The „Safety attitude“ campaign remains at the heart of the safety policy of the entire COLAS group, in every single company. It is our reference point to achieve our goals.
The main idea of this campaign is the conviction that safety in offices, during the production or during road works is a matter of everyday behaviours and habits that we may deliberately form. Safety means the engagement of the entire team, starting from company´s CEO and top managment, to employees at lower levels.
Ensuring safety in COLAS is not only our responsibility, it is more than just the priority, i tis a value for which we all do care about. The top managment is personally engaged in implementation of the „Safety attitude“ program and gives everyone an example of safe behaviour.
Dialogue with an employee is the key point of the whole program. We attach much importance to everyday „STARTER“ meetings with employees before works start on site as well as to regular meetings of OHS officers with employees.
Safety week
Every year in June the entire COLAS group dedicates one week to promoting OHS culture focusing on chosen safety topic. We carry out special meetings and trainings dedicated to safety, health, safe driving etc. Safety week is an initiative aimed at highlighting the importance of safety in COLAS group.
Part of our « Safety attitude » is the annual « Safety week ». Although we pay attention to safety in all our activities during the whole year, we focus particularly on safety during this one week of the year.