politika IMS
Basic principles of Integrated
Managment System
Following the implemented and certified integrated managment system in COLAS Slovakia, s.a. we have set out the following principles of compliance:
To understand the quality as a part of the overall company´s strategy in order to achieve long-term success
continuously satisfying our customers´ requirements and expectations in our areas of production
To ensure the quality of construction works by observing strictly technological and work discipline,
using modern machines and equipment, introducing advanced technologies and improving cooperation with trustful suppliers
To manage and improve processes,
providing sufficient resources and taking into account potential risks are tools to meet applicable and binding requirements and expectations.
To educate employees systematically
to enhance their professional growth, expertise and skills and last but not least their awarness of IMS (Integrated Managment System).
To strengthen the company´s position on the domestic market
and abroad so tha the company is always a stable and reliable business partner for customers
These principles are binding for all employees and are in line with the basic principles of COLS group policies.
IMS policy for download (pdf)

COLAS Slovakia, a.s. is certified for:
- Civil engineering, constructions, industrial, water management, traffic, structural constructions, nuclear power plants, maintenance of movement areas of airports, monuments restoration, renovation and reconstruction
- Production of prefabricated elements, steel structures, concrete and asphalt mixes
- Transport and mechanisation services
- Testing of construction materials, mixtures and structures
- Non-destructive testing of materials