
Code of Ethics express the core values that the COLAS group promotes in fulfilling its obligations to clients, employees, shareholders and partners from public and private sectors as well as to civil society.


Code of Ethics – principles

Key principles of the Code

All our employees at their workplaces act in accordance with following basic values: 

Unconditional application of laws, regulations and internal comapny rules

in particular for health and safety and environment protection

Respect for employees,

in particular by observing the General declaration of Human rights and fundamental conventions of International Labor Organization

Fairness, honesty
and transparency

to clients, shareholders and partners

Correct and reliable results
of internal audits,

accounting and financial information

Compliance with the rules
of free competition

and rejection of corruption in all its forms, in particular practices prohibited by OECD 

Loyalty to the company

in particular by preventing the occurence of a conflict of interests, breach of confidentiality and illegal trading on Group´s listed securities

Teamspirit in relationships

within the group

Protection of the Group´s assets

in particular by refraining from its personal possession
or use

Constant attention

to ensure the quality and sustainable development

Political neutrality,

principle of banning any financing of a political activity in form of contributions

These principles arebinding for all employees
and are in line with basic principles of COLAS group policy.


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